Thursday, June 18

Today,Yesterday & Tomorrow

Love is like the wind,I can't see it, but I feel it.
Even though we live apart, I have faith that in due time this will all come to an end and we will be together forever. I love you more than words could ever show . Like the saying goes, "Distance makes the heart grow fonder." Well, my heart has always and will continue to be quite fond of you. I love you more today than yesterday and I will love you more tomorrow than I did today!
-C yum2 yang minta puji,hehe!-


  1. Mariam Swan menulis buat cintanya=)
    Sugar sweet!

  2. hhuhhu..pic mlm 2 kan..ngeeee

  3. wanderlust : cik yun...hehehe!Tq ;)
    Leyza : ia nor,c pacik pg rumah kan..itula smpat depan pintu...hehehe ;)

  4. di sini ada beberapa perkara yang mencacatkan gambar ini.. punggunaan flash amat lah di alu2 kan bagi menonjolkan lagi subject ang hendak d ambil dan penggunaan MODE A iaitu Aparture Priority adalah di galakkan.. jika suda dpt mengawal gear anda dengan laju.. Manual adalah yang terbaik.. wakakakakkaka... macam pndai sja aku..

  5. sudala kau syam!!hahaha..suruh bawa camera jual mahal..ndapala..heheh :P

    ini camera girl ku yg ambil aka Eda,dia yg nda pasang flash...sgt gelap!tapi maknanya tu yg penting :)

  6. eda...?? ptutla.. hantam la labu... hahahahaha..
