Tuesday, August 24

I'm Back!!!

Melbourne 2010: Freda & me ( infront of Mel. Railway station)

wahhhhh....almost a year suda x post something on my blog..hehe ;)
i've been busy...busy??ermm..not really, more like finding my self.,mengubah hidup dengan lebih indah dan bahagia! :D

New Life, New chapter and its the New me i can say!
Belum lagi New year,but tiba2 datang seru untuk lebih MAJU!hahaha...i should warn u guys yang baca blog ni, lately mcm ada wayar putus dlm my brain..so mmg mcm2 sja something stupid i'll do n say..sorry yeah!OMG, i have good news yg i need to share to all of you.i'm moving to Gold Coast next year!!!yeAHhaaa...bye Adelaide..hehe, i must say jugala..i'm gonna miss adelaide but that's ok...i'l visit la holiday2 nanti..:)

Banyakknnya mau ceritaaa ni..hehehe..disebabkan suda delete facebook, n jarang suda online ym & msn...i felt mcm alien pula..haha..i Know nothing about you and You Know Nothing about me!Thats good kan...u have ur life n i've my own life..ndapayala cbuk2 mau jaga kain2 orang kan...;)
Ohh...i'm craving for mooncake...send me mooncake..anyone??? :(

P/s: i heard iphone 4 belum keluar di malaysia??ohh soo sad..hahaha..i got my iphone 4 suda..hahaha..jgn jealous! :p



  1. yamm aku benci kau. kenapa kau suda ada iphone 4? mari sini aku kasi pecah. hehe cepat pulang. i rindu sama youuuu. :)
